Mrs. Ellis

Hello My Name Is...

Mrs. Ellis


Hello!  I teach kindergarten here at Council Elementary. I have been teaching in Council seven years - the first five in second grade and then the last two in kindergarten.
I have lived in Idaho my whole life - growing up in a town smaller than Council. I graduated from Idaho State University with a degree in English literature and a minor in writing. I didn’t really have a specific job in mind; I just knew I loved reading and writing. While at ISU, I met and married my husband of 23 years, Kevin. His job led us to McCall. We have a daughter, Hannah, who is a freshman in college and a son, Adam, who is a junior in high school. I was fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home mom while they were little. We do a lot as a family and our adventures together are my favorite.
 While my kids were in school, another teacher asked if I would be a substitute teacher. Then the school  asked if I would like to teach pre-k and kindergarten the next year. I would like to say that I found my passion, but I think my passion found me. Through divine intervention and a series of very fortunate events, I got my teaching certification and landed in Council. It has been a wonderful seven years. I love all the kids and I love being able to share my love of reading and writing with them! I am so fortunate that I get to teach at Council Elementary.